As a Martial Arts warrior practicing his craft.
I will put forth absolute respect and dedication towards my studies.
I will honor and respect my teacher and his teachers before him,
Bringing dignity to my Martial Arts lineage.
I enter the Gosikido family with humbleness,
Putting other’s needs before mine.
To serve is the highest honor; to give of one self is truth.
My strength comes from unity, my weakness is within.
My only enemy is myself; my power comes from God, my family, friends, and my Gosikido family.
I enter the world with empty hands,
My faith and my wisdom are my weapons.
I will pursue excellence in the traditions, protocols,
And etiquette of my ancestors.
I will diligently train to achieve harmony of mind, body, and spirit.
I will study the way of hard and soft Chi,
Holding life as the single most precious gift from God.