Monday, October 02, 2006

Fear is the Thief of Dreams

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear” (H.P. Lovecraft). Since birth we’ve been conditioned to behavior patterns based on fear of disciplinary consequences. At first, self preservation is the motivating factor, then, other mitigating circumstances alter the equation, rendering us vulnerable to the devastating affects of fear. There are only two methods by which a human alters behavior; 1) A carrot, that is, offering a reward for positive behavior, and 2) A stick, which symbolizes a punishment for improper behavior. Rewards and positive reinforcements become increasingly difficult to sustain due to the escalating addictive nature of the method itself. That is, the same reward can only be use sparingly before the response becomes immune to its effects. However, the fear of punishment or pain is at a much deeper consciousness level, instilled in us at the most impressionable age. Unlike positive reinforcement, fear does not distinguish between the burning consequences of touching fire and the apprehension of trying something new. Diving into a new business venture, applying for the higher position, moving to a new town, etc., are but samples of the same innate fear we felt as a child. Although placed there by our parents to insure safety, health, and well being, they never reminded us (or taught us) to discern the difference between that kind of fear and the one hindering the achievement of our goals and dreams. We know that this candy if better than the one they gave us yesterday, or that a filet minon is better than a hamburger, but we can’t distinguish between the caution of crossing a street and our inabilities to concur our inhibitions, low self-esteem, and destructive addictions. So, what is the difference between fear and reward? In most cases you may be given a “choice” of what reward you will receive upon successful compliance (i.e., do you want to go to the movies, or do you want to go to the park?). When disciplined with fear, “choice” is non-existing – you either do this or else . . . consequences! Therefore, it is a plausible conclusion that “fear” takes away our choices, because we were never given any to begin with. As you grow older and begin to set your path to your own goals, ambitions, and dreams, the only thing stopping you is fear. The secret key to unlock your highest potential and to achieve your dreams is to remember that you have “choices”, and you can choose to take the next step towards your goals . . .don’t let fear be the thief of your dreams!